As a general rule, the average gallon of exterior paint covers between 300 and 400 square feet of surface. That means you'll need 8 to 10 gallons to paint the siding of a 2,500 square foot home (one coat). Estimate the body size of the house by measuring the perimeter of the house. Then measure the height of the house from the foundation to the roof line, excluding the pediments.
Multiply the perimeter of the house by the height. If you have pediments, multiply the width of the gable by its height and divide it by two. Do this for each gable and add the total to the body measurement. To estimate how much paint you will need for the molding, calculate the total length of the molding.
The average width of the molding is six inches. Multiply the total length of the molding by 0.5 feet. To estimate the gutter, determine the total length of the gutter. A linear foot of gutter approximates one square foot.
Once you have added up the calculations for moldings and gutters, you will know what additional paint you will need for them. For doors, multiply the width by the height to determine the number of square feet. Good afternoon, planning to change the color of a 2500 square foot brick house from red to white brick. Do I need to pressure wash first before? And how many coats do you think I should wear approximately? the house also has a metal roof that I plan to change the color from rusty red to navy blue, any suggestions? I'm thinking about painting my exterior and I was wondering if the outside temperature is a factor.
It's currently July and I'm not sure if high temperatures make a difference. Sherwin Williams told me it doesn't matter because it dries a little faster. Not sure if this is true? How long does it take to prime and paint two coats on a 2500 square foot exterior home? There will be twelve gallons of paint in a 2,100 square foot house because it has good quality paint. Meanwhile, the air paint sprayer is not suitable for thicker materials without the correct thinning requirements and remember to avoid latex paints enameled with this sprayer because it does not withstand high pressure.
Before starting the paint job, know the paint coverage of 1 gallon per square meter or in square feet which is useful for making an average estimate of the paint you will need and make sure that the surface is cleaned of dust, grease and other foreign matter, deciding for superior quality and adequate quality of paint and mix the contents of the paint correctly to obtain consistency in painting work. Other factors are how many layers, one coat of paint will require less amount, while two-layer paint will need 1.5 times more paint. Your project will become smoother if the right gallons for your 1500 square foot home are found sooner. They have a tester to see if it's a lead-based paint, but chances are it won't be unless it's an extremely old house.
Therefore, an average 1200 to 1500 square foot hiking house would require 12 to 15 gallons of good quality paint for approximately two coats. BEHR paint has the ability to cover more than 23 to 37 square meters of surface with the same layer, so one gallon can cover 23 to 37 square meters. Many people consider that you will need twice as much paint, but since the first coat of paint actually covers many porous areas that would normally absorb paint, the second coat uses much less paint. That's why people start to notice paint sprayers to save time, energy and improve quality.
The paint is available in many types of any pigmented liquid composition, plastic, emulsion, cement paint, texture paint, liquefiable or solid putty which, after application to a substrate in a thin layer, becomes a solid film. BEHR paints are available in quarts for painting a small area and in five-gallon pails for a very large area. Paint in good condition on 80% of the surface, but in some places on the front of the house (the greatest exposure to the sun) the paint is almost copper color now. .